
Reform Topic ERRADA working on..

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Assignments of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Expressing opinions and legal participation

Reform 4

Reform 4 Details

Reform 5

Reform 4 Details

Reform 6

Reform 4 Details

Reform 7

Reform 4 Details

Assignments of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Participation and attendance in committees related to investment and the business environment


Reform objective

Digitization of administrative and other services in the construction sector, simplified procedures for receiving services, regulation of the construction process in Ukraine.


Creating a separate online platform and moving the provision of services online.


Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Improvement of the Procedure for Providing Administrative Services in Construction and the Creation of the Unified State Electronic System in the Construction Sector”, Resolution of the Cabinet of Minister of Ukraine #681 “Some Issues of Ensuring the Functioning of the Unified State Electronic System in the Construction Sector”. 


The Unified State Electronic System in the Construction Sector (USESCS) is designed to harmonize the construction process in Ukraine as far as possible and prevent corruption risks through publicity of information. The USESCS should implement the entire life cycle of construction of a particular object: from obtaining urban planning conditions and restrictions and a land development certificate to its commissioning. 

The system provides for the implementation of e-cabinets for construction project owners and other responsible persons in construction, as well as will allow: 

  • improving the quality of services provided; 

  • providing the e-flow of documentation based on a “one contact” principle in the sector; 

  • integrating all registers and data; 

  • reducing a list of documents and the time required;  

  • increasing the investment attractiveness of Ukraine. 

Why is this essential for Ukraine?

The e-system will provide full electronic interaction of individuals and legal entities with government authorities, local self-government bodies, and economic entities. This will allow making all processes of providing construction services public. 


Reform 2 details


Reform 3 details

Initiatives to study the Legislative Impact

Initiatives to study the legislative impact and the best international experiences of some legislation related to the business climate

Reform 8

Reform 9